Recently I was lucky enough to win a competition with Beauty Essentials. The prize was Shadow Switch. For those of you who don’t know, Shadow Switch is a dry brush cleanser. It’s main purpose is to allow you to switch between powder brushes like eye shadow or highlighter brushes without having to properly wash them and wait for them to dry (every girls pet hate!)
I’ve read a lot of blogger reviews about this and I’ll admit I’ve been skeptical. How could a bit of foam in a tin clean your brushes? I was amazed though when it actually worked!! You remove the lid and swipe your brush around in the foam in circular motions, you can see the foam turning a slightly different colour when you do this. When your brush looks clean, stop swirling and test it on the back of your hand and like me, you’ll be amazed! There genuinely was no product left on the brush!
This is honestly the handiest little tool to have! I’ll admit, I honestly don’t have time some days to properly clean my brushes and I hate leaving them sitting in their litttle brush pots looking grubby so this is the perfect solution! I think the Shadow Switch will also be great for travelling. Who wants to pack a travel bag with eight different eyeshadow brushes and five different face brushes along with all your other cosmetics just for a night or two away? Packing Shadow Switch means you could rationally bring only one eye shadow brush if you’re going for a simple look and you won’t need to worry about all the colours mixing.
The foam in the Shadow Switch is removable so you can take it out and wipe away the left over powder from the bottom of the tin and wash the sponge with warm water and fragrance free soap to stop it getting grubby. It’s advised you replace you Shadow Switch every two months for hygiene reasons but for only £5.99 I think that’s reasonable! You can buy Shadow Switch on Amazon with free shipping.
I’m so pleased to have discovered this and will definitely be repurchasing as it’s such a handy wee thing to have in your kit. Have you tried Shadow Switch before? Would it be something you’d find as useful as I do?
PaleGirlRambling xo
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