I have been so insanely busy recently! I started a new job in September and I moved house at the end of October so I’m completely exhausted! I also find this colder, darker weather tires me out. The most important thing to do when things are crazy is to take some time for you and my favourite way to do that is have a pamper night!
The first step to every pamper night is to light a candle. I’ve a huge candle collection but my favourite at the moment is this beautiful Fern & Coco ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ candle. It’s scented with pink champagne and grapefruit and smells as amazing as you’re currently imagining! The soft glow from the flame of a candle really relaxes me. I then love to put on a movie to watch. I love watching DVD’s but when LoveFilm shut down I was pretty gutted I could no longer get my monthly DVD parcel. I then came across Cinema Paradiso which are exactly the same! You can rent every DVD you could imagine, you can even rent TV Series’ like Game Of Thrones or Prison Break. There’s nothing better than binge watching a tv show or watching a girlie movie while having a pamper night. A movie night wouldn’t be complete without a warm cup of tea with some Gold Bee Honey pure hemp sticks stirred in to give antioxidant, immunity-boosting, antibacterial, and digestive health benefits.
I then like to pop on a face mask. My face has been pretty conjested recently due to being so busy and not having an awful lot of time for my usual skincare routine so I’ve been trying out this Glam Glow mini exfoliating mask and it’s working wonders for my breakouts! My skin is always so dry so after exfoliating all the dry skin away I like to use something super hydrating like this recovery sheet mask from Image Skincare. I pop this on, sit back and relax for fifteen or so minutes and when I peel it off my face is soft, hydrated and glowing.
While I have my sheet mask on I like to start my usual nail care routine. I take off any polish I had on, apply a layer of my trusty OPI Nail Envy and then pick whatever colour I’m in the mood for. The gorgeous midnight blue I’ve featured is from Leighton Denny’s new Heritage collection, it’s a beautiful early winter shade that I’m going to be wearing a lot! I hate waiting for my nails to dry though and I’ve now found the perfect solution! Leighton Denny’s Miracle mist not only dries your nails much quicker, it also contains vitamin E which hydrates and softens your cuticles. Win win really?
The final step to a good old pamper night is to get ready for bed! Feather & Down products are the perfect way to relax. They advise showering before bed as the warm water relaxes your body and mind. Their shower cream is scented with Lavendar and Camomile and boy does it smell good! Lavendar is one of the most relaxing scents I know. Spray some pillow spray and rub some of the magic sleep balm on your temples and wrists, close your eyes and drift off. You’ll feel like you’ve been on holiday for a week, not just taken an hour or two for yourself! Feather & Down have a great video of sleep tips for those like me who are stressed out and exhausted!
What’s your favourite way to relax? Have you tried any of the products I’ve mentioned?