I’ve been super busy the past few weeks getting organised for Italy so I thought I’d pop these two updates in together. Week 16 was super exciting because I went for my 16 Week midwife appointment! It went really well, I discussed any concerns I had with the midwife and then I got to hear Squish’s heartbeat for the first time since my scan at 10 Weeks and it was just incredible! I was lucky enough to be able to record it on my phone and I honestly can’t stop listening to it. It’s making me so excited for my 20 Week scan when I actually get to see Squish again! Week 17 was pretty busy just because I was packing for Italy but I’ve made it here safely and I’m actually taking the plunge and vlogging parts of the trip to be able to look back on.
I don’t think any of my symptoms have particularly changed since my 15 Week Update. I had a tummy bug during week 16 (a hazard of working in a primary school) so I spent the majority of my time at home, in bed, trying to recover. My back pain subsided but now I’m back up and busy it’s back with a vengeance much to my irritation.
The only major new symptom I’ve noticed over Week 17 is the need to pee ALL THE TIME. I literally could pee and within two minutes could pee again. It is the most frustrating and annoying thing ever. My midwife has assured me it’s normal around this time as your uterus is right behind your bellybutton at around 17 Weeks and that unfortunately puts a lot of pressure on your bladder. Sadly this means I’m also waking up at least 3 if not more times a night to pee but I suppose that’s just practice for when Squish gets here! (Or atleast that’s what I keep telling myself to keep me sane!)
My bump is well and truly here to stay! Pregnancy bloat was causing it to go up and down a lot but the past two weeks it just gets bigger and bigger!
I hope you enjoyed this little update! I really can’t believe how quick my pregnancy is going, time is absolutely flying by! I’m making my way through my baby ‘to buy’ list and feeling so much better the more organised we get!