I’m getting worse and worse at staying up to date with my pregnancy updates as life gets more and more busy! It’s crazy how fast it goes by. I now see how everyone has those good intentions to keep memory books yet stop after a week or two.
Thankfully I’m still in that second trimester ‘honeymoon’ phase and to be honest I’m loving it! I’ve got my back pain under control and my symptoms are pretty mild!
My most favourite symptom is the kicks! Squish kicks so much and I absolutely love it! I know so many people who haven’t been pregnant say how much the thought of kicks and movements freak them out but honestly, when you have a little one growing inside you there is nothing more reassuring. Squish’s kicks have started to get so strong that I can sometimes see my tummy move from the outside! It’s the most incredible thing!
My new Leesa Mattress means I’m sleeping like a baby most nights except for the odd occasion where I need to wake up to pee but compared to how I was at 16 & 17 weeks it’s really bareable.
One symptom I have noticed at night is vivid dreams or in my unfortunate case nightmares. I’ve read that plenty of pregnant ladies suffer with this so I’m not concerned but some of them have just been so real and horrible! I’ve woken up in complete terror. Obviously once you wake up you realise it was just a bad dream but they’re just so vivid it’s hard to shift the images from my mind!
Another symptom I’ve been suffering with which is not entirely pregnancy related but I feel pregnancy has made it worse is my anxiety. I have anxiety, I have done for years and suffer with the odd panic attack, they’ve been pretty under control for the past two years but over the last few weeks I’ve been having them more and more frequently. I know pregnancy can effect mental health and cause any existing conditions to get worse so I’m hoping in time it will pass. It is something I’m going to be mentioning to my midwife this week though, just to make sure everything’s okay.
My bump seems to have really popped these past few weeks! Everyone in work has been commenting and even some of the children have noticed so it’s really starting to make me feel pregnant! I can still fit into my prepregnacy tops, though obviously my maternity ones are much comfier. I think this will be the last few weeks of that though or I’m going to end up stretching them!
I’ve gone buying crazy the past few weeks and I’ve now ordered my travel system and car seat as well as a Snuz pod and lots of other little baby bits! I’m working my way down my ‘Baby Essentials’ list rightly, ticking everything off is so satisfying and I can’t wait for everything to arrive.