I’m still in that second trimester bliss and very content! Yes I have a few symptoms which is obviously to be expected for a 25 Week Update but honestly I’m loving my second trimester, I have so much more energy (Thankyou iron supplements!) and I’m loving planning (and buying) everything before Squish arrives.
The lovely sleep deprivation is back, I honestly think I’m just destined to spend the rest of my life getting hardly any sleep! If you’ve been reading my updates you’ll know previously I struggled to sleep due to back pain, then it was the dreaded need to pee ALL THE TIME. I had a few weeks respite and caught up on much needed sleep but now I seem to be waking up at 5am most mornings, wide awake and ready to start the day! I suppose this is just my body’s way of training me into needing less sleep before the inevitable sleep deprevation that comes with a newborn but really, can I not be allowed a few more weeks of sleep before that starts?!?
As my pregnancy continues Squish kicks more and more every day! When Squish is particularly active you can see my tummy wiggle and move which I just find incredible! I had a little scare early on in the week as I’d only felt Squish move maybe twice in the day and the kicks were so tiny, not like the usual cancan that Squish does daily! I spent my evening lying on my left side with no distractions (2 hours is apparently the recommendation for how long to do this now) and drinking peach squash and eating ice cubes (two things that normally make Squish go crazy) and still only felt Squish do one small kick in this time. The midwife said she wanted to check everything out just to be safe so up I headed to the hospital at 1am. Thankfully when I got there Squish’s heartbeat was strong and the doctor even did a scan just to be sure and honestly I’ve never been so happy to be awake at 2am watching my little baby wiggle around on the screen! I have an anterior placenta (it’s at the front) so Squish’s movements are cushioned by this and the midwife thinks Squish had just turned round so the movements were more difficult to feel. I was so nervous to phone the EOU with fears of being an over sensitive mumma and that the midwives would just brush me off but I am so thankful I did! Everyone at the hospital was so reassuring and I just felt pure relief when I saw Squish wriggling on the screen, not that I was a nusance!
Something I’ve started to notice over the past few week is over heating. I’m normally a very cold person, I’m always bundled in jumpers and under blankets. Over the past wee while though I’ve found myself increasingly complaining that it’s too warm! This is something I imagine is going to get worse the more pregnant I get and of course with summer on the way so I may get used to it and make sure I have lots of loose clothes! Atleast it’ll cut my heating bill!
I cannot get over how big my bump is getting! I feel absolutely massive! Although lots of people tell me how petite my bump is?! I suppose it’s just an adjustment from my prepregnancy size. I love to see it grow though as it obviously means Squish is happy and healthy and growing too! I really need to stop wearing my prepregnancy tshirts now or they’re all going to end up stretched which I’ll be gutted about! I’ve a maternity haul coming soon to show you some of the tshirts and dresses I’ve picked up to accommodate my growing bump. I’m also off for a pregnancy massage this week which I’m very excited about and can’t wait to share!