I’m in my third trimester now and I’ll be completely honest for a second. Pregnancy has not been the most enjoyable thing in the world. Yes I’m sure it’ll be worth it when I have a beautiful little boy or girl to cuddle and love but growing a baby is hard! Everyone goes on about how magical it is that you’re growing a life and how you’re ‘blooming’. Well let me tell you, I don’t feel like I am! Here’s a few things no body really tells you about pregnancy.
1. Bye Bye to your body
I feel like I lost my figure about a week after my positive pregnancy test! First there’s bloat where you’ll look around 16 weeks pregnant even though your baby is the size of a pumpkin seed then it’ll die down and you’ll start getting a real baby bump! Your boobs will balloon, you’ll feel fat and horrible but hey, it’s supposed to drop right off after the baby arrives, right?!?
2. Baby brain
I thought this was a myth or just something mums used to cover up forgetfulness. I take it all back. Baby brain is a thing and it starts way before your baby actually arrives! My work colleague can ask me to do something for her, I will nod and take it all in and by the time she’s walked out of the room I have zero clue what I’ve agreed to do.
3. Money Worries
No matter how much you budget and save before baby you will inevitably worry about money. Who knew that such a tiny person could need so much stuff?! My house is already coming down with it and Squish isn’t even here! If you’re really panicking you can get a short term loan, look at cash ladys consumer credit index to compare regional data but honestly, the money worries won’t ever stop because baby will always need something else!
4. Emotions
From the very second you see the little plus on the pregnancy test you will feel 1000 emotions and from there it never stops! I can be happy, worried, angry, hungry and exhausted all within the space of five minutes. You’ll cry at the stupidest things (and trust me I never used to cry) and you’ll worry about every little symptom or movement your baby makes. I imagine the emotions are only going to get worse after Squish is here!
5. Pregnancy glow DOES NOT EXIST
I was expecting beautiful long flowing hair, long nails that never break and glowy, breakout free skin. Alas that seems to be one huge myth. My skin is a mess (though the body shop tea tree mask definitely helps!) my hair is its usual frizzy mess and honestly my nails are in much worse condition now than they were before pregnancy. Lucky you if you got that elusive glow but sadly I haven’t been graced with it?
6. Nesting
Nesting on the other hand is totally a real thing, who knew you could get so much satisfaction from folding and refolding teeny tiny baby grows and putting them in size and colour coordinatated order. I can always justify buying a new one, I’m currently eyeing up this adorable set from next!
7. Fatigue
Everyone goes on about how tired you’ll be once the baby is here. No one warns you that you’re exhausted from the second the stick turns positive. Pregnancy fatigue is definitely a real thing. During my first trimester I could fall asleep mid conversation, you feel like it’s slightly lifted in the second trimester (though I think it’s just your body getting used to feeling like a zombie 24/7) and then boom you’re dead again come your third trimester. Am I destined to be exhausted for the next 18 years?!