I’m now down to single figure weeks! Only 9 weeks to go until Squish arrives! I had another check up with my midwife this week. She measured my bump and as I have been this whole pregnancy I’m measuring a little small. I’m already getting growth scans so hopefully at my 34 week scan they’ll still be happy with Squish’s growth. I won’t lie I am finding it slightly concerning but I have a petite build so I’m hoping Squish will be a petite but perfectly formed little person!
That final trimester fatigue is really starting to kick in, though I feel it’s purely to do with the fact I’ve barely slept the past two weeks. The heat in Northern Ireland has been unbareble all day and night. I spend my nights far too warm and uncomfortable. Having a bump in warm weather just isn’t pleasant. I start maternity leave in three weeks though so I’m hoping that’ll help ease the fatigue a little.
Squish is still kicking away all the time, the movements feel different now to the very defined kicks I felt in my second trimester, they almost feel like wiggles now! My midwife has assured me this is normal though and just due to baby growing and not having as much space for big single kicks.
I’ve been feeling pretty unhappy with my figure this week. I have a wedding coming up in two weeks time and although I’ve got the most gorgeous dress from Tiffany Rose I can’t help but hate my appearance in the mirror. I know it’s all worth it for my little Squish, it’s just a little frustrating, especially when I see Pinterest filled with the most aesthetically pleasing bump photos!
The only other symptom this past week or so has been my emotions being a little all over the place. It’s obviously just all the extra hormones in my body but I’ve been crying at the stupidest things! I ruined a craft I was making with the kids in school the other day and started to cry over it?! I think the kids were a little concerned!!
My collegues in work have said they’ve really noticed my bump drop this week and are all placing bets that Squish will arrive earlier than August! Although my midwife has said I’m measuring small I feel absolutely huge!
I’ve been really focusing this past week on getting my birth plan in order and on practicing my hypnobirthing techniques. I’ll have a post in the next few days all about hypnobirthing and how I hope Squish’s birth will go!