It seems a little counter productive to be posting this when Northern Ireland has been dealing with rain and thunder storms for the past few days! I’m hoping the sun will come back next week though and wanted to share a few of my favourite body care products I’ve been using this summer to keep my skin soft, hydrated and beach ready!
Clarins Tonic Shower Gel & Body Balm*
Clarins Tonic Shower Gel is hands down the most luxurious shower gel I have ever tried. The lovely Emma from Clarins Skin Spa in Belfast recommended I try out the full Tonic range when I was in having a facial. She thought it’d be perfect for the last few weeks of pregnancy and a great treat once Squish is here. The Tonic range is firming so will hopefully help my body bounce back after I have Squish. I’ve been using the shower gel alongside the Tonic Body Balm. Both are perfect for relaxing after a long, hot summer day and will keep your skin baby soft.
St Tropez In Shower Tan
I’d been so tempted to try this out since it’s release but the £15 price tag put me off. Especially because most fake tans make my ghostly skin look like a wootsit. I stumbled across two bottles in my local TK Maxx for a fraction of the price so thought now was the perfect time to try them out! I picked up one bottle in light and the other in medium. You apply this tan in the shower and wash it off after 3 minutes. Wash like normal then turn your shower off, apply the tan all over using circular motions to make sure it’s dispersed evenly and then stand (and shiver) for 3 minutes while it skins in. Turn your shower back on and rinse off with warm water (no soap!) and then your good to go! The tan develops gradually over the next 8 hours. Unbelievably I’ve found that I prefer the medium shade to the light! That’s a statement I never thought I’d make! I also like to leave it on for six minutes rather than the recommended 3. It leaves a beautiful tint to my skin. It’s by no means a holiday worthy tan but as a pale girl I’d look strange with that so I’m happy that it takes the edge off my translucent skin! I don’t think this is a tan for everyone, especially if you naturally take the sun but for pale girls this is a game changer to give your skin a little colour without the orange streaky mess most fake tans cause!
Mama Mio The Tummy Rub Oil*
Although this is marketed for pregnant women I’d advise anyone to use this during the summer months. The Mama Mio Tummy Rub Oil is a lightweight oil that keeps stretch marks at bay. It hydrates my skin without being sticky and sinks in super quickly which is important in the summer when you don’t want to be all warm and covered in moisturiser or oil! I use this all over my body and so far I’ve been so lucky only to get a few stretch marks around my chest so I’d say it works!