Well today is the day. Today is officially Squish’s due date! I cannot believe how quickly the past nine months have gone. It seems like only yesterday I was announcing the exciting news! Obviously Squish hasn’t made an appearance yet (already running late just like mummy!) but I’ll be honest, I’m okay with that! As much as I am so excited to finally meet my Squish and find out if baby is a boy or a girl, Squish will come whenever he or she is ready and I’m just enjoying my last few days/weeks before everything changes forever.
My bump is starting to get a little uncomfortable now I’m in my final few days. I really do feel massive now (even though my bump is continuing to measure a few weeks behind). Turning over in bed, bending down to pick something up or even putting my leggings on is becoming a real effort! I’m going to miss my bump though, it’ll be weird not having a watermelon constantly straped to my tummy!
I finally and sadly have got some stretch marks! There’s a few around my hips (or where my hips would have been before a huge bump took over!) They’re not awful or particularly huge, I’ve just found it a little frustrating because they appeared so close to my due date and I wonder if Squish had been born a week earlier would they never have appeared? I’m staying positive that they’ll fade once I have Squish, even if they don’t though, it will be a small reminder of the incredible experience my body went through while growing my baby.
The heartburn has been playing havoc a little this past week, I suppose due to the fact that Squish is so big now and taking up so much space. I’ve been so lucky throughout pregnancy though that I’ve only had odd bouts of heartburn, I know from friends how awful it can be. Thankfully the little trick of eating some love hearts sweets is still working wonders for me anytime it gets a little much.
I’m still nesting like crazy. I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned so much in my life. I got a new fridge freezer so I can meal prep, I got my house repainted and I’ve organised and washed Squish’s clothes what feels like a hundred times now! I just want the house to be perfect for when I bring my beautiful little Squish home.
I picked up a few pieces from Boohoo’s maternity range last week. I really don’t fit in the majority of my clothes these days, so I got a pair of comfy over the bump denim shorts* to lounge around the house in. Even once Squish is born I don’t imagine my figure will bounce back straight away so they’ll be super comfy for afterwards too! I also got a two pack of maternity and nursing tshirts. I don’t think a lot of my tops are nursing appropriate so I need to stock up on quite a few. If you have any recommendations for cute nursing tops please let me know! The final thing I picked up and have been living in since it arrived is the cutest lemon maxi dress. It’s so comfortable, fits my bump and is also suitable for nursing! I think I’m going to be living in the dress for the foreseeable future!
I feel rather emotional that this will be my last pregnancy update! The past 40 weeks really have flown by!