I don’t know about you but I found the idea of bathing a teeny tiny newborn very daunting! They’re so small and you read horror stories of babies who’ve drowned in 1 inch of water, it’s enough to put you off! A month and a bit down the line though I’m much happier, Theodore actually loves bathtime which makes it much easier for the both of us! Here’s some of our favourite bathtime products.
Shnuggle Baby Bath
Before having Theodore I’d originally bought a bath support so I could set him in the wee seat and bath him in my usual big bath. Unfortunately as I had a c section I was unable to bend over the bath to use the support. I ordered a Shnuggle Bath and honestly I’m so pleased! It’s actually perfectly sized to fit in my kitchen sink so I pop it in there and don’t have to bend at all! The way the bath is shaped means Theodore is almost able to sit up unaided meaning I can easily bath him by myself and get into all those little baby rolls. The bath has a ‘Max’ line to show you how much water you need. The Shnuggle bath really makes bathtime easier and much more enjoyable!
Safety First Thermometer
Getting the temperature right for a bath is every parents worry! You don’t want to boil your baby alive but you also don’t want it to be too cold as newborns can’t regulate their own body temperature. The safety first digital floating frog thermometer is amazing! You just pop it in the bath while it’s running and it’ll tell you the temperature, it can be left in while you’re bathing your baby so you can keep an eye to make sure the water’s not getting too cold. I’m sure as Theodore gets older he’ll love to play with it too!
Earth Friendly Baby Shampoo & Bodywash
I was really anxious about what to use in Theodore’s bath. I have very sensitive skin so I’m sure Theodore will be following suit. That being said after a few sick ups or particularly dirty nappies I just wasn’t convinced that plain water was going to be enough to clean him. We’ve been using the Earth Friendly Baby Shampoo & Bodywash from Lansinoh and it’s working really well with Theodore’s skin. It’s also mildly scented with lavender to keep him nice and chilled out and relaxed. All Earth Friendly Baby products have no artificial fragrances or colours so they’re perfectly safe for senstive baby skin!
Natural Sea Sponge
This was a suggestion from my mum and boy has it made all the difference to bathtime! Previously I’d been using cotton wool but it was such a faff and made bathtime much longer. The sponge is super soft and much quicker which means there’s less risk of Theodore getting cold.
Baby Mori Towel
Of course once bathtime’s complete you need something super soft and cosy to dry and warm up your little one. I researched throughly before buying Theodore’s baby towel and the Baby Mori towel was recommended as the best on almost every article I read. It’s super soft, comes in a variety of colours and you can even get your baby’s name embroidered on the hood! (I got Squish embroidered as a little reminder of Theodore’s name before he was born!)