Being productive when you have a little one is difficult, or atleast it’s something I’ve struggled with since having Theodore. It’s every so tempting to stay in bed cuddling all morning, stay in your jammies until well into the afternoon then have an early night because you know you’re going to be up all through the night anyway! Suddenly your day is gone and you’ve done next to nothing on your to do list and the washing is piling up! Here’s my top tips for a productive day with a little one.

Get up and out
My number one tip for productivity is to get up and out of the house, my day goes 100x better when Theodore and I have our daily morning walk. I like to pop on my Matalan sports leggings, top , zip up jacket and trainers. Matalan’s sports clothes are super comfy for everyday but also really stylish and affordable. They wash really well which is of major importance with a baby that insists on throwing up on me numerous times a day! They’re something I’m happy going for a walk in as they’re comfy and breathable but also I’m equally happy popping out for lunch in as they’re stylish. I pop Theodore in a cosy suit, into the pram and have a brisk walk around our village. It wakens me up, it lets Theodore have a much needed nap meaning he’ll be in a better mood throughout the day and it also means I get a few minutes to my self when we get home as Theodore is asleep in his pram rather than my arms!
Make the most of nap times
Everybody says when you have a baby, ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ and as a new mum you say ‘yes yes’ and then look around at the state of your once tidy house and ignore the advice completely! I think for mum productivity it’s important to do both! If you’ve had an awful night the night before and your little one has been awake every 20 minutes (Theodore’s current favourite thing to do!) then have a nap when the baby naps! There’s nothing wrong with letting the dishes sit there an extra two hours, you need to recharge or you’ll be exhausted for the rest of the day. If though your baby has been sleeping well and you’re feeling refreshed then make the most of that nap and do the dishes, iron the washing or get some dinner in the oven.

Tidy up before bed
This is not only a wonderful thing to do for you as a mum, it’s also a great habit to get your little ones into! There’s nothing worse than coming downstairs in the morning to a living room and kitchen covered in all of the toys, plates, cups and clothes from the day before. It completely sucks the productivity out of my day if I come down in the morning and have to start playing catch up from the day before. So take a few extra minutes before bedtime and blitz the living room and kitchen so you’re ready to start a fresh the next day!

Take some time for you
I know all too well it’s easier said than done when you have a little one but taking some time for yourself works wonders for productivity. I like to have one day a week where I forget about the million and one to do list jobs and just spend some time with Theodore playing, have a nice long bubble bath during nap time and do some yoga before bed. Again my Matalan sports clothes come in super handy for a yoga session. The leggings are nice and flexible although this flexiblity is also great for nights on the sofa with your box of chocolates or Chinese takeaway!!
You can check out Matalans full sports range online or at your local Matalan store.