Mornings are a completely different affair now I have a tiny person to get ready as well as myself. I used to hit snooze a hundred times, roll out of bed fifteen minutes before I had to leave the house, pop my clothes on, make a quick smoothie and grab my makeup bag to do my makeup in the car once I got to work. The first thing different about having a baby, you can’t hit snooze! Mornings are no longer a quick fifteen minute get ready, they’re now an hour minimum and even then we’re lucky to make it to our baby group on time as Theodore inevitably needs a nappy change just as we’re ready to leave the house!
As soon Theodore wakes up he likes to have a feed so we snuggle up in bed together and enjoy those last few minutes of chilled cuddles before our day starts. Once he’s done feeding he normally gets over excited and inevitably throws up so I always have a muslin to hand because I don’t have time to wash my sheets every single morning!
We then head downstairs and have a nappy change and get dressed for the day. I’m so impressed with our new changing mat from Matalan, it’s much more affordable than other mats we’ve had from the likes of Mothercare or Mamas and Papas and is really thick and squishy. If we’re chilling around the house I normally pop him in a sleepsuit like these super cute Disney ones from Matalan or if we’re heading to a baby group or out for a baby date with some mum friends I pop him in some of his super cute outfits from Zara.
Theodore then chills in his high chair with his bib on and his bowl and spoon and some toys to keep him amused while I shovel down my breakfast at an insanely fast speed because he does not stay amused by himself for long! I’d read an article that said it was important to get baby used to their high chair so he always sits in it at the table with me as he will when we start weaning so he is used to that being part of our morning routine.
Then I have to tackle getting dressed, by this point Theodore is normally fussing because he wants attention again so we have another cuddle and normally some more milk before I pop him in his sleepyhead with his toy bar. This gives me just about enough time to get washed, clean my teeth and pop on some clothes.
If you read my top tips for mum productivity you’ll know we like to get out for a walk each day whether we’re going anywhere or not so I pop Theodore in one of the cutest cosy suits ever and we head out in the buggy to get some fresh air.
Obviously our mornings don’t always go to plan, when does life with a baby ever go to plan?? but that’s the basics of our morning routine and honestly by the time it’s finished it’s normally an hour if not more after we wake up!
Matalan have so many cute baby clothes and essentials at absolutely bargain prices. I’d definitely recommend checking out your nearest store or their website if you need some new outfits.