We’ve been transitioning to cloth nappies for months now and I really wanted to put together a post for those that were considering it. Not only is it better for the environment, the patterns of cloth nappies make it super addictive! Although there’s a larger initial outlay, in the long run cloth is much more cost effective, especially if you have more than one child as you can reuse them.
If you’ve already decided to take the plunge then you can check out my step by step guide to actually using cloth nappies.
There’s a lot of different types of cloth nappies out there and it can be a little overwhelming to decide which to go for. Some cost nearly £30 while other are about £6! Fill Your Pants has a handy guide to help you decide what’s best for you. We decided to start off with pocket nappies. Pocket nappies have separate removable inserts meaning they dry much quicker and you can add or take away absorption layers depending on how heavy a wetter your baby is. Our pocket stash is a mix of Baba + Boo and Alva baby along with a couple of Littles and Bloomz. The thing I’ve found most important with pocket nappies is what insert you use. My friend recommended Little Lambs triple bamboo inserts and I love them. They’re thin so don’t restrict Theodore’s movement but also super absorbent. We also use Little Lambs fleece liners to catch poo! (The part I most feared about cloth nappies which honestly isn’t so bad)
Once I was happy with using pocket nappies I ventured in to trying some AIO (All In One) and AI2 (All in 2) nappies. We now have a selection of Motherease Wizard Unos (AIO) and some Bare and Boho (AI2). I think the Bare and Boho are particularly great if you have a heavy wetter as they have a particularly thirsty hemp insert. Wizard Unos are great if you like a very slim fit nappy although they’re very difficult to get a hold of as they’re so popular!
I was anxious about the storing and washing of cloth nappies but it’s honestly so easy. Poo can be rinsed off into the toilet (this gets easier when weaning begins as their poo will become more solid) and then I store used nappies in a Baba + Boo wetbag hung on the back of my bathroom door and wash every 3 or so days.
When washing I tend to do a cold rinse cycle (around 30 minutes) followed by the longest 60 degree cycle my machine does (3 hours) with powder fairy non bio detergent. I then follow that with another short rinse cycle to make sure there’s no detergent left on the nappies or inserts which might affect absorbency. Once the nappies and insets are dry I like to restuff them all and add a fleece liner so that they’re ready to go, rather than faffing when I got a wriggling naked baby on my hands!
In my opinion you need about 20 nappies and at least 3 wetbags to be able to be in cloth full time during the day. It very much depends on how frequently your babe needs changed and how heavy a wetter they are though.
For nighttime we have 3 Motherease Sandys and 3 Tots Bots Bamboozles which I add some extra hemp boosters to so they last all night. The night nappies I’ve mention don’t have a waterproof outer so you need to add a cover like a Motherease Airflow on top.
If you’re anxious about cloth just buy one nappy and give it a go and see if you and your little one get on with it. Baba + Boo have a trial nappy scheme. I’d also recommend joining The Nappy Lady’s Facebook group, the mamas on there have tonnes of advice and can probably answer many more questions than me, I’m definitely still a novice when it comes to cloth.
I really hope this post was a simple, no nonsense guide to giving cloth a go! Have you ventured into the world of cloth nappies? If you haven’t is it something you’d like to try?