Now Theodore is one (where has this last year and a half gone?!) I thought I’d put together a post on my baby essentials now I’ve thoroughly tried and tested everything. Aside from the obvious clothes, nappies (we use cloth nappies) and wipes, these are a few products that made parenting in those early days that little bit easier. What’s top of one mums ‘must have’ list might not even appear on another though so this is just what worked best for us.
Mama Designs Cellular Blankets
I couldn’t have been without these blankets, Theodore still uses them for naps and bedtime and even when we’re snuggling on the sofa. They wash so well (and trust me ours have been washed a lot!) and dry really quickly. Cellular blankets are the only safe blanket recommended for newborns because they’re breathable, they keep little ones cool in summer and cosy in winter. Slightly more expensive than your average cellular blanket but well worth the investment in my opinion, we now have 4 in rotation! I also love that the Mama Designs blankets have a different range of colours other than your generic white, blue and pink.
Shnuggle Bath
Whenever I was pregnant I read so many posts about how having a separate baby bath was a waste of money, boy were they wrong! I’d purchased an angelcare bath seat but because of my section I couldn’t even bend over the bath to use it and on the one occasion my mum gave Theodore a bath for me he hated it because he was barely covered in any water. I picked up a Shnuggle Bath from my local Mothercare and was amazed at how much easier bath time was! It was able to fit in my kitchen sink so I didn’t have to bend and Theodore loved sitting up in it like a big boy and was super cosy because the water level went much higher. Once I’d recovered from my section I was able to put the bath in my shower tray so he could splash about to his hearts content. Even at a year he would still fit in it so you definitely get good use for your money.
Izmi Baby Carrier
I’ve gone on and on about this carrier since the second I tried it and if you read my post on baby wearing you’ll already know all about it but honestly I cannot recommend this carrier enough. It takes seconds to put on, it can be used from birth and is an every day staple for me! Baby wearing makes life so much easier whether it’s to have both hands free to get some things around the house done, for a walk on terrain not cut out for a pram or for running into shops.
Babymoov B Pillow
Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle feeding I absolutely love the B pillow from Babymoov. I was kindly gifted it by Kidly during pregnancy and I slept on it every night as it helped with my awful heartburn. Once Theodore was born it became my feeding pillow and it was so comfy to use. It’s filled with little microbeads so depending on how you squish it you can have a soft or firm pillow.
Cybex Eesy S Twist
Admittedly this is a little on the more pricey side and I know some people aren’t in the market for two prams but the Cybex Eesy S Twist was a life saver for me in the early days. Theodore used a Cybex car sear that was compatible with the Eesy S using adapters. The Eesy S folds up so insanely tiny it slotted perfectly into the space on the floor behind Theodore’s car seat in the car. Whenever Theodore would fall asleep in his car seat I’d plug it into the Eesy S and be able to do my shopping without disturbing him. Yes I could have attached it to my Bugaboo but having a big bulky pram when running in and out of shops isn’t ideal. The Eesy S is so lightweight, manoeuvrable and tiny, it fits between shopping aisles no bother. I’d have been lost without this pram, it made life so much easier.