Riding a bicycle offers kids a sense of independence and accomplishment. On any beautiful day, they can hop on their bikes and pedal to explore their neighborhood and city. If they are good at handling the cycle, they are likely to assist you in household chores, namely grocery shopping.
But, before you or your kids get a bit too excited about learning and riding a bicycle, there are a few things that you must take into consideration.
What Is The Ideal Age To Teach Your Kids How To Ride?
The ideal age to teach your kids to ride bicycles depends on their physical and mental development. If they have the physical strength to pedal the cycle and good coordination, you can teach them. On the other hand, you should wait for a few weeks or months.
You should get balance bikes if your kid is stubborn about learning but lacks the required skills or coordination. It’ll reduce the chances of them falling and hurting themselves during the learning process. In addition, you should also learn about the bike safety rules and teach them to your kids.
Rules For Riding Bicycle
Bicycling is quite fun and thrilling but also includes its fair share of risks, particularly accidents. According to the CDC’s report, nearly 130,000 people (including kids) get injured yearly due to US bicycle accidents. The majority of these accidents occur in urban areas near intersections. Therefore, you must learn about your state’s road safety and bicycle riding rules and teach the same to your kids.
● Choosing The Right Bike
It is critical that kids feel comfortable when riding a bike. For this, they must have the right size bike that offers safety and comfort. To check the size of the bike, it is recommended to have at least 1 to 3 inches of space between kids and the top bar. Their feet must also touch the ground effortlessly when standing straddling the top bar.
In addition to this, check whether the seat, wheels, and handlebar fit tightly or not. The bike’s brakes must work well, and the tires should have the right pressure.
● Wearing a Helmet
No matter which state you reside in or how long your kids are going to ride a bike, wearing a helmet is mandatory. Head injuries are the most common injuries reported in bike accidents, which can lead to severe brain injury or even a fatal one. Fortunately, this situation can be avoided by wearing a helmet that fits perfectly and can be adjusted to offer comfort to the rider.
However, if your kids get indulged in a crash even after following all the rules and wearing a helmet, you must consult a lawyer immediately. A bicycle accident lawyer can help you file a personal injury claim. It will also give you peace of mind related to filing the lawsuit as the lawyer will take care of the case while you take care of your kids.
● Appropriate Clothing
In addition to helmets, make sure your kids are wearing appropriate clothing before they go pedaling. Wearing bright fluorescent clothes helps kids stay visible on the road. As they need to pedal, the pants must not be too flared or loose. It will increase their chance of pants getting caught up in chains and kids getting injured. Wearing flip-flops and shoes with heels or cleats are also inappropriate for pedaling, so make sure kids wear comfortable shoes.
● Signaling When Changing Direction
Changing lanes with a bicycle requires utmost attention and precautions. Teach your kids to look behind them when changing directions or lanes. Also, explain to them the signals (use your left arm to signal turns and stop) to use when on the road.
These are the signs that you must teach your kids.
● Safety Tips To Follow
There are a few more safety tips that kids need to follow for a safe and fun ride. It includes:
The Bottom Line
Keep in mind that prevention is better than cure. So, before teaching your kids how to ride a bike, explain safety and its importance. Also, if things do not go as planned, make sure to approach the right person for help.