Now that you’re pregnant, nothing could be more important than taking care of yourself and your little baby. It’s the most joyous time of your life, filled with planning, anticipation, questions, and concerns for your baby’s future. During this period, your body goes through a lot of changes, including the growing fetus.
With all of these changes happening, it’s crucial to stay healthy and work with a doctor to get the best pregnancy care plan. In this article, we’ve shared some of the most common yet crucial care instructions to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
● Prenatal Care
The first and foremost step towards caring for your child is to get regular prenatal care. These prenatal tests are screening tests that help spot any health issues that could affect pregnant women or the baby.
Although many doctors don’t recommend the test before eight weeks of pregnancy unless there’s a risk of any problem, it is advisable to get yourself tested at the earliest. During the first trimester, prenatal care includes screening tests, blood tests, physical examinations, conversations about lifestyle changes, and more!
● Diet & Nutrition
Now that you’re carrying a baby inside you, you can’t think about going on a diet or cutting off the calorie intake. Rather, you need to do the exact opposite and consume 300 extra calories per day, especially during the later time of your pregnancy. If you’re thin and have an active lifestyle, you might need more calories, but if you’re overweight, you would be advised to consume fewer calories.
For this, make sure to ask your doctor to send you a proper diet chart that you’ll be following throughout your pregnancy. If you’ve got the plan online, make sure to save it on your personal notes on your iPhone or iPad. All you have to do is just copy it and paste it where you want to save it. You can read this online blog to get a better idea. Now, speaking of the diet, try to maintain a well-balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients.
● Exercising Is Imperative
Exercising during pregnancy reduces the risk of pregnancy complications. Hence, the U.S Department of Health and Human Services advises doing at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity every week. It is advised to indulge in moderate-intensity exercise if you’re not very active. But if you are a fitness enthusiast and did intense exercising before pregnancy, you might be able to pull off intense workouts as long as your doctor thinks it’s safe. Just make sure to consult your doctor before taking on any exercise routine.
● Take Proper Rest
Getting quality sleep during pregnancy is vital for both the baby and the mother. Studies have shown that pregnant women who don’t get enough sleep have higher risks of catching pregnancy complications. These complications include Preeclampsia or high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and more. Hence, make sure to prioritize quality sleep every day and take naps whenever you can.
The Bottom Line
Right from the first week of your pregnancy to the last, it’s imperative to take care of yourself to ensure your baby is safe. Thus, make sure to stay connected with your doctor throughout the period and dedicatedly follow all the care instructions.