The internet has made it a breeze to start your own business right from the comfort of your own home. It doesn’t really prepare you for the reality of succeeding. Suddenly having more orders and interest is a great thing, but if you can’t fulfil that interest, then that moment to expand and take your business full-time may pass.
It can be terrifying to make that leap into taking your business full-time, moving out of your home, and suddenly taking on so many more costs you simply were not expecting. It needs to be done. To do it right, however, you’ll want to use this guide:
Understand What You Need in an Office
Most offices can be adapted to fulfil your business needs. If you sell products, for example, one of the suites can be solely dedicated to inventory. You can make another room for packaging and shipping and the rest of the space for managing your online presence. You can even use one corner of your office for photoshoots and to produce marketing materials.
Offices are adapted all the time, so you will need to look beyond the white walls to see what you can do with the space. Keep in mind how much you have, what you need to be done, and how well that space can support you.
Find a Managed Office
You don’t have time to manage a building. You’ll be busy working on expanding your business and increasing revenue to offset those new overhead costs. If you also have to worry about safety and security, keeping your office clean, and the many other factors that will impact your office space, then that is time being taken from you.
Getting a managed office from takes care of many of those issues for you, so all you need to worry about is paying rent. If there’s an issue, there’s only one number you have to call rather than trying to find a suitable repair service for the job that’s worth your money.
Location, Location, Location
You need this office to be close to you and your other employees. It should also be close to a bank and post office, which will be used more often than you think as you grow. At a minimum, you’ll also need to check what transportationoptions you and your employees have. How close is it to the train station? Where are the bus stops? Is there parking nearby, and if so, what does it cost? These factors will impact your business’s success and your employees’ happiness to get to work.
Amenities are also important. If there are many local businesses nearby, you can offer more draw for current and future employees. Those other nearby businesses can also be great business opportunities. For example, you could sell your products in the nearby boutiques.
Consider the Full Costs When Determining Affordability
An office that includes internet, security, free parking for employees, and so on that is slightly more expensive than an unmanned office will give you better value and, likely, cost you far less in the grand scheme of things. That’s why it’s always key to work out the full costs when choosing between your top options, so you can understand the true cost of renting each option because it’s rarely just the rental price.