It can be more than a little frustrating when you are trying to make your money go further than it wants to. There are so many things that need to be paid, and the cost of living crisis is not making things any easier, with people struggling more than ever before. Of course, the main solution to this is to try and get some more money in your life, but it’s not just as easy as it sounds. While that’s true, there are some things that you can do if you need a little extra money, you’ve just got to be willing to do them. Interested in learning what these things are? Find out more below.
Work More Hours
The most obvious option is to see if you can work more hours at your job. Ask your boss if there is any overtime available when you need it, and the great thing about overtime is that it is usually paid at a higher rate than your normal shifts. This is not to say that it is going to be available all the time because it probably won’t be unless the business is pretty understaffed, and if this is the case then you may just be in luck.
One thing that you need to consider here though is that most companies have a maximum number of hours that they will allow their employees to work in a week/month. This is because they need to ensure that they are not working too much and that they are getting rest as well as working.
Sell Your Old Items
Another fantastic option is to sell some of your old items. Have you heard the saying that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure? This is absolutely true, and instead of just throwing away the things that you don’t want anymore, why not see if someone else wants them? Go through your home, decide what things you no longer want, and then either hold a garage sale so that people can come and browse, or set yourself up an online page and start selling. Take some pictures of the items, add a product description and it will be super easy to get rid of the items. Ensure that you put in the description whether you are able to drop off locally, whether you would like people to come to your home to collect or whether you will be posting the items.
You can even sell your number plate if you are looking to get a new one. If you’re wondering how can I sell my number plate, the answer is pretty simple. You can use a website that will give you an idea of how much it is worth, and then they will find a buyer for you. It’s simple, but it could get you a little extra cash which is the goal here!
Start A Side Hustle
If you’ve got some free time on your hands and you’re getting bored of sitting on your backside watching Netflix, then you can use this time to start a side hustle. Those who say that this is not something that they can do are just being lazy and coming up with excuses because they don’t want to extend the effort that is needed to do this. It takes a lot of thinking, some advertising on social media and other places, even setting up a website if you want to attract more people in your area! Work out what it is that you are good at, and then offer this as a service. Some of the more popular side hustles include dog walking, babysitting, doing odd jobs around the home for other people, cleaning and so on.
Side hustles are a fantastic way of lining your pockets with a little bit of extra cash, it just means putting in a little bit of extra work. But, what would you rather do? Sit at home and watch something that you’ve probably already seen, or get out there and make some money? The choice is yours, but it gives you something to do and provides you with the cash you need.
Those are our ideas! Of course this is not an extensive list and there are other things that you can do if you want to make some more money. But, these are the ones that we came up with off the tops of our heads, and maybe one of them will work out for you, providing that little cash injection that you’re after. We hope so!