Where is the time going?! If you’ve been following my pregnancy updates you’ll know I’ve had a stressful few weeks. Squish and my bump have been continuing to measure small throughout my pregnancy to the point where early induction was being discussed. I had another growth scan on Monday though and Squish is back on track! I’ve honestly never been so relieved. The consultant still expects Squish to be a smaller baby but he’s happy that Squish is healthy and happy enough to continue to term! I’ve got 5 more weeks to keep growing my baby and try and get the house and my life organised!
I’m continuing to get Braxton Hicks frequently. I tend to get them more if I’ve had a very busy day so I’m trying my best to take it as easy as possible. It’s difficult though when you’re in nesting mode and want to do up the whole house in the space of three days!
Sleep is a thing I simply don’t remember any more! I’m extremely uncomfortable when trying to get to sleep, I get cramp in whatever side I lie on. On the off chance I finally get to sleep I promptly wake up to Squish dancing on my bladder! I then wake up super early and can’t get back to sleep. I feel like a functioning zombie but I suppose that’s practice for how life’s going to be with a newborn!
My moods have been very up and down this past week and my anxiety has been through the roof. I’m not entirely sure why but I’m putting it down to excess hormones and trying my best to stay calm.
Squish is as wriggly as ever! There’s a myth that babies slow down as you come towards the end of your pregnancy because they run out of space but this isn’t true. Your baby should keep moving in it’s usual pattern right up until it’s born. Thankfully Squish continues to have a dance party in my tummy every night once I’ve gotten into bed so there’s been no slowing down whatsoever!
I’ve been very lucky so far and still don’t have any stretch marks. *touch wood* As much as my bump is a pain at times I’m actually kind of going to miss it. Crazy to think that in five weeks time I won’t have a little Squish kicking me all the time!
I attended my first parenting and birth class this week. It was local with six other mums to be to try and introduce us to some parents in the same boat with similar due dates. We discussed everything up to and including labour and have another class this week coming to discuss what happens after labour and learn a little more about feeding. It was a two hour class and a little overwhelming if I’m honest the amount of information I got but it was lovely to hear from other mums to be and to know you’re not alone in feeling like a zombie whale who just wants to meet their baby already!